
Changes to arrangements at the Grimsby Crematorium

Changes have been made at the Crematorium due to COVID guidlines.

Changes to arrangements at the Grimsby Crematorium

North East Lincolnshire Council is introducing some changes at Grimsby Crematorium to help keep people safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

Image credit NELC website

There are strict limits already in place on the number of people who can attend a funeral.

A maximum of 30 mourners may attend a funeral service.

This means a maximum of 30 mourners in total, not 30 inside with more outside the crematorium building.

The outdoor speaker system will no longer be turned on. 

Live webcasts of funeral services are available to mourners who cannot attend the service in person. 

Recordings are available for up to 28 days afterwards.

Scatterings and interments of cremated remains continues, but the maximum number of mourners permitted to attend has been reduced to six.

Any mourner who has COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell) should not attend the funeral as they pose a risk to others.

Cllr Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for Environment and Transport at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:

“Our bereavement services staff are working hard to balance the needs of people to mourn while also minimising the spread of COVID-19.

“The government’s guidance is there to make sure bereaved people are treated with sensitivity, dignity and respect and at the same time mourners and workers involved in the management of funerals are protected from the avoidable risk of infection.

“I’m grateful to everyone attending funerals and respecting the rules in these difficult times. It helps reduce the risk of infection to other mourners and our staff.”

Whenever the loss of a friend or loved one happens, it can be an extremely difficult and challenging time.

This may be even more difficult for those experiencing bereavement and grief during the COVID-19 pandemic.

North East Lincolnshire Bereavement Support Service: call 01472 250623 to be put in touch with the right support based on your needs

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