
Couple receive lockdown fine after trip to London

Couple receive lockdown fine after trip to London

Couple receive lockdown fine after trip to London

Two people from northern Lincolnshire have been handed fines after they travelled from Scunthorpe to London during lockdown.

They were caught and stopped on the M180 by Humberside Roads Police this morning, when officers noticed the vehicle was uninsured.

It was then discovered that the pair were returning to Scunthorpe from London, where they had been been to visit relatives.

Both were issued fixed penalty notices for breaking lockdown restrictions.

The vehicle was also seized.

The team tweeted:

“Vehicle stopped on the M180 at Scunthorpe.

“Driver found to have recently purchased the vehicle and had not taken insurance out.

“Occupants were also on their way home having travelled to London and back to visit family.

“Both issued Covid tickets. Vehicle Seized.”

This comes after Humberside Police officers issue 40 fixed penalty notices for lockdown breaches this past weekend alone.

Assistant Chief Constable Chris Noble said:

“This first month has been a challenging time for many with the announcement of a national lockdown, but we want to thank those who are adhering to the guidelines.

“Preventing the spread of the virus must be a top priority for everyone and it’s vital we all do whatever we can to stick to the restrictions in place to protect our loved ones, and other residents of our Force area.

“Unfortunately, this weekend has shown that some have blatantly, recklessly and selfishly breached these regulations and enforcement has been necessary. We will not hesitate to move to enforcement in these circumstances. 

“We are now in a different position from where we were at the beginning of the month, with the Covid-19 vaccination appointments being rolled out across our Force area.

“This gives us much hope that we can return to normal in the near future, but in order to achieve this, we must continue to stick to the guidelines. This is not a time to relax.”

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