
Cycle route proposal to run from the Fitties to the Docks

Council proposes new cycleway

“This would be a safe route, especially ideal for children, families.”

Cycle route proposal to run from the Fitties to the Docks

Many local residents have been sharing the idea on social media of building a cycle route from Grimsby Docks across to Humberston Fitties. 

Council proposes new cycleway

The idea was sent across by a member of the public to local politicians who believe this would give the area a large economic boost. 

Roy Horobin, Liberal Democrat in Cleethorpes, said: “It would be great for tourists and as the tourists used the route they would inevitably spend money.  So there is an economic benefit.”

 “Also, there is the green agenda, cycling reduces pollution and there are social and mental health benefits to cycling.”

  He added: “This would be a safe route, especially ideal for children, families.”

The proposal has not yet been officially sent to ABP, but it has been confirmed it will be in the near future. 

Associated British Ports, ABP,  control a crucial point of access in order for the plan to go ahead.  

Mr Horobin commented: “If ABP on board the next step would be to go through official channels and create the route.”

“The council must be involved. Once lock down eases we need to get the local economy functioning at full throttle.”

Multiple health benefits have been proven from regular cycling such as: improves heart, brain, blood vessels and builds muscle and bone. 

The new route would encourage more to explore the outdoor space our area has to offer as well as attract cyclists from other areas. 

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