
Boris Johnson to give Covid rules update

The scientists have done it - PM

The government reached the vaccination target of 15million yesterday, one day before the deadline. 

Boris Johnson to give Covid rules update

The Prime Minister will address the UK today leading a briefing from Downing Street to discuss Covid rules and vaccination progress. 

Boris johnson national lockdown

Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is to lead a briefing this evening, it has been reported, with more detail about the reopening of schools in England.

According to The Sun, Mr Johnson will set out some of the information about which pupils will return to schools first.

It has also been said he will state when schools will return, new classroom rules and what corridors will be. 

Mr Johnson will also speak about the next phase of the vaccine rollout as 1.2million more letters will be sent to people inviting them to have a jab this week.

The next priority group to be vaccinated is the over 60s and clinically vulnerable which has already begun in some areas across the country. 

The government reached the vaccination target of 15million yesterday, one day before the target. 

The full details about schools and loosening lockdown restrictions will be published a week today, on February 22.

Rumours suggest the Prime Minister will speak of setting out a new plan where people can visit other households with restrictions as well as opening non essential shops and leisure facilities. 

These will depend on vaccination progress and how the variants have spread in the country according to a government spokesperson. 

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