
New homes to be built on former Matthew Humberstone playing field

New homes to be built on former Matthew Humberstone playing field

North East Lincolnshire Council has accepted £490,600 in Accelerated Construction Funding from Homes England to build new houses on the former Matthew Humberstone playing field site.

Homes England made the offer based on the construction of 58 homes at the site, with 10 percent of these falling under the affordable housing category.

The properties are set to be built using modern methods of construction, known as “sub assembly and components”.

The Council will work with their regeneration partner, ENGIE, to deliver the enabling works on the former Matthew Humberstone playing field.

A Council report states: “The development of new homes is critical for the delivery of the Council’s “Stronger Economy and Stronger Communities” priorities. The Local Plan outlines the housing needs of local people and how North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC) intend to create employment, supporting the local economy, as well as delivering housing growth.

“A condition of the Accelerated Construction Funding (ACF) grant is to develop the site using a form of Modern Methods of Construction, which will contribute towards carbon reduction and reduce waste materials on site, contributing towards the Council’s commitment towards ‘Climate Local’ commitment.”

Cllr Callum Procter, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Housing and Tourism, said: “It enables us as a council to deliver significantly on our local plan in generating housing. We’ve got a very ambitious local plan and it goes some way in achieving the objectives of the local plan in delivering in housing. Particularly supported living in Cleethorpes and the demand in general.”

Cllr Stan Shreeve, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance, Resources and Assets, said: “This area has a great need for supported living accommodation and the accelerated funds enable this to take place much sooner than we might otherwise have expected thanks to the work that’s available on this infrastructure for this particular site.”

Cllr Phillip Jackson, Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “It’s good to see that we’re building housing here in an urban location rather than on our rural greenfield sites which we do far too often at the moment, so it’s good to see a development in the urban areas.”

Development of the properties will begin in 2022, with the aim of building three per month, or 47 per year.

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