
Council launch new dog fouling campaign

Council launch new dog fouling campaign

New signs have been put up in parks and other high footfall areas in North East Lincolnshire as part of a new campaign to remind dog owners to pick up after their pets.

Walking the dog has become one of the few opportunities to get outside for some fresh air during lockdown.

But since the first national lockdown, dog related litter is in Grimsby is up by 200%, according to a report by Divert.

These figures are a clear indicator that not all dog owners are cleaning up after their pets.

“It is disgusting to see that some dog owners are failing to pick up after their pets, when it’s an offence and the waste can lead to serious illnesses,” says Divert spokesperson Mark Hall.
Weelsby Woods and several parks are among other places where people have reported dog fouling problems.
Those who do not clean up after their dog could be issued with a verbal warning, followed by a Fixed Penalty Notice of up to £100, which could rise to £1,000 if the issue goes to court.

Now, uniformed enforcement officers have erected signs to warn dog walkers of the consequences if they fail to carry dog poo bags or other means to pick up after their dogs.

Public Space Protection Orders introduced in 2019 gave the Council more powers to deal with irresponsible dog owners.

A borough-wide PSPO covers not picking up dog mess, not carrying the means to pick up after your dog and to put your dog on a lead when told to do so by an authorised officer.

Officers will also be making spot checks until the end of April.

Councillor Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for Safer and Stronger Communities at the Council, said:

“Most dog owners take their responsibilities seriously, it’s a shame that a careless few spoil it for the rest of us.

“We do not want people stepping in dog mess when they visit parks, the beach or other areas as the lockdown lifts and the weather brightens up.

“Enforcement officers are routinely stopping dog walkers to check they have bags to pick up after their pet. They will offer advice first but will start fining people in June.

“If dog fouling is a problem in your area, please use our online form to report it.”

People are also being encouraged to submit reports about dog fouling problem areas.

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