Ziggo Dome venue has hosted experimental ravers to examine the impacts of COVID in indoor settings.
With more than 100,000 ‘guinea pigs’ applying for the event, tickets were sold at 15 EUR each, and attendees were split into different group. They were also issued with fluorescent drinks to assess the spread of saliva as the government looks to reintroduce nightlife to the country.
Those participating were traced in all their movements and contacts through a tag, as part of an effort to examine how events may safely be opened up for the public again. Each group had to comply with different rules; some were constrained in their movement on the dance floor, while others were variously asked to wear a mask at all times or only when in motion.
Eva Plevier/Reuters
Government advisers will use the data they collect on the behaviour recorded to help make decisions on possibly easing the restrictions on night life in the coming months. One of the observations, organisers said, was that even those asked to keep their masks on soon dispensed with them as they got into the flow of the music.
Everyone attending had to have received a negative test for coronavirus 48 hours before the event and were asked to take another test five days afterwards.
The gig was part of a series of government-backed research events that have also included a business conference of 500 people, a performance in front of a similar number of people by cabaret artist Guido Weijers, and a football match involving 1,200 cheering supporters. Two open-air festivals in Biddinghuizen have also been planned, as well as a pop concert.
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