Decision to be made this week on controversial 5G mast in Grimsby
A final decision will be made at a council meeting tomorrow on whether or not to install a 5G mast in Grimsby.
The 15-meter monopole – if approved – will be set up on Great Coates Road, adjacent to the John Whitgift Academy playing field.
Planning permission for the 5G mast in Grimsby has been submitted to North East Lincolnshire Council by Hutchison UK Ltd, which is more commonly known as the mobile network Three UK.
The firm wishes to enhance its coverage as part of a mass roll-out of 5G communications.
At the council meeting tomorrow, ENGIE Case Officer Jonathan Cadd will recommend approval of the plans.
His report states: “Mobile phone masts are now a more accepted part of modern street furniture and monopole designs generally assist to ensure equipment do not appear out of keeping with an area.
“In this instance, however, the mast would be almost twice the height of the streetlights in the area, 15m to the top of the antennas compared to 10m for the streetlights and somewhat wider at 400mm in diameter compared to 120mm for the street lights.
“These differences would emphasise the presence of the proposed mast within the streetscene making it an obvious addition within Great Coates Road.
“Whilst the mast will be an obvious addition to the streetscene, particularly given its width, it would still be a vertical feature not unlike most of the street lights which are positioned regularly along this stretch and side of the highway.”
However, the application has received many objections from nearby residents, who have voiced their concerns about the appearance of the monopole, along with the potential threat of radiation it would bring.
One says: “We are concerned about the visual appearance and the adverse health effects which may affect us with living opposite the proposed monopole.”
Another reads: “We don’t know the effects on human health. I’ve read that masts like this could have a dire impact on bees and perhaps also birds, which would be catastrophic.
“The sheer size – much taller than the lamppost – would have a dire impact on the area. I feel there are much better sites for this mast if there really needs to be one, which I don’t really think is important.”
However, it is understood that any radiation will be within internationally acceptable limits.
Cadd’s report concludes: “Despite objectors’ concerns the applicant has provide certificate to show radiation emissions would be within accepted levels.
“Despite its scale and height, the mast is not considered to be such an alien feature as to have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the area nor the visual amenities of residents.”
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