
North Lincolnshire residents urged to be cautious when restrictions ease next Monday

Local people are being urged to be cautious when restrictions ease next Monday as the infection rate in North Lincolnshire remains among the highest in the country.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed the roadmap out of Covid is on track, with the lifting or further restrictions on Monday 9 April.

This means non-essential shops, close-contact services like hairdressers and beauty salons, gyms, and libraries can open. Restaurants and pubs will be allowed to serve food and drink to customers sitting outdoors. The rule of six (or two households) remains in place for meeting outdoors.

Everyone is now eligible for free at-home lateral flow tests, which are vital for discovering Covid-positive cases in people who do not know they have the disease.

It is estimated that one in three people do not show coronavirus symptoms, so testing yourself twice-weekly will help stop the spread of the virus.

The tests are available to order online, or to pick up from the testing centre on Centenery Way (next to the Pods) in Central Park off Ashby Road, Scunthorpe.

More information is on

Steve Pintus

Steve Pintus, Director of Public Health, said:“We all welcome being able to do more from next Monday and our local businesses need our support after a difficult few months.

“However, with infection rates in North Lincolnshire stubbornly high, we must all continue to be cautious and stick rigidly to the guidelines to avoid transmission. Please keep to social distancing where possible, wear a mask where needed and practice good hand hygiene.

“The vaccine roll-out continues at pace. More than 90 per cent of all eligible adults over the age of 50, and those above the age of 18 with underlying health conditions have now received their first dose, but there is still a long way to go to get everyone through the system.”

Almost 70 coronavirus vaccinations were administered in a special ‘pop-up’ clinic at The Islamic Centre in Scunthorpe on Saturday. The initiative was organised by local GPs and NHS North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group in a bid to boost uptake in the area’s culturally diverse communities.

NHS North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group

Sayful Ahmed, Imam, said:“We were delighted to get two local GPs into The Islamic Centre and vaccinate 68 people. The clinic followed a conversation during Friday prayer and we had the doctors come in to do an awareness session. It gathered really good interest so we worked together to organise a clinic.

“The more people we can get vaccinated the more people feel confident coming to the mosque. It gives everyone that reassurance.”

If you believe a pop-up vaccination clinic would be helpful in your community, please contact

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