
Cross-party group set up to assess impact of UK’s post-Brexit trade deals

A new cross-party group comprising of MPs, business leaders and economic exports is being established to provide independent scrutiny of the UK’s trade deals with Europe and the rest of the world.

The Trade and Business Commission will be co-convened by Labour MP Hilary Benn and the chairman of Virgin Group, Peter Norris.

It will bring together 11 MPs from nine parties in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and will initially assess the economic impact of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and other UK trade deals.

Nearly half of all UK consumers who bought goods from EU-based retailers since the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December experienced some issues, such as extra paperwork, delays or surprise costs, a new survey by the consumer group found.

Which? found nine in 10 people, out of around 2,000 people who took part in its survey, who returned items between 1 January and 16 February experienced issues such as delays, unexpected paperwork or extra charges.

Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

Delays were the most common issue experienced by those who ordered products online, but one in 10 people were asked to pay additional handling or delivery fees, according to Which? The average charge was £41 but some people paid up to £300.

The UK’s split from the European Union could jeopardise legal decisions and the post-pandemic recovery efforts, an influential group of financial law specialists has warned.

The IRSG, which is affiliated to the lobby group TheCityUK and the City of London Corporation, called for “a renewed consensus” to “finding global solutions for global problems for pandemic recovery, rather than each country or region going its own way”.

Speaking to Financial News London, Catherine McGuinness, the City of London Corporation Policy Chair, said there was a need for “cross-border regulatory collaboration in order to support a digital and sustainable economic recovery” in the months ahead.

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