A £1.85 million grant pot aimed at safeguarding local jobs and creating new ones has been made available by North Lincolnshire Council.
New start-ups, existing companies looking to diversify and businesses creating new opportunities are all invited to apply.
The Covid-19 Recovery Support Programme has been set up as a response to the effects the pandemic has had on jobs and the local economy.
The New Business Start Up Grant awards up to £1,000 to anyone planning on going self-employed in response to Covid-19, and can be used on things such as marketing and stock acquisition.
It is aimed at helping people starting a new venture, going self-employed or businesses in their first 12 months of trading.
A £300,000 Business Diversification Fund is to be shared between visitor economy businesses looking to diversify their existing model to improve sustainability and continue delivery of services.
They will receive up to £7,000 for every new job they create and £6,000 for every job that is safeguarded.
The Covid Renew Scheme awards applicants from the business to business sector up to £7,000 for every new job they create. This will help offset jobs lost as a result of Covid-19.
Expressions of interest should be submitted as soon as possible. Once the funds have been allocated the program will be closed and a reserve list created.
For more information, including application criteria, expression of interest forms and how to speak to a business advisors, go to the Invest In North Lincolnshire website.
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