
Elderly dog with tumour ‘left dying’ in street in Epworth

An elderly King Charles spaniel was left to die in a street in North Lincolnshire after being discarded “like a piece of rubbish”, the RSPCA has said.

The dog, which was emaciated and had a large tumour, was found by a member of the public in Epworth last week, the animal charity said.

The female King Charles Spaniel was found on Church Walk in Epworth at around 3pm on Wednesday, April 14, by someone who reported the matter to the RSPCA.

RSPCA officers believe the female spaniel was dumped at the scene and have now launched an investigation.

She had a large growth on her anus and was underweight. She could not stand or hold her own weight as her backend was collapsed, and she also had very matted fur around her ears.


RSPCA inspector Vanessa Reid said: “It was heart-breaking to see this elderly and clearly underweight dog left helpless in the street in her hour of need.

She continued “I believe whoever owned the dog neglected her to such a level she was left dying and instead of seeking help they callously decided to discard her like a piece of rubbish.”

“I am keen to find the person responsible for this and hope someone may be able to tell me who owned the dog. I would also like to hear from anyone who may have seen something suspicious in this area around the time the dog was dumped.”

The dog was rushed to a nearby vet for emergency treatment, but was too ill to be treated. The spaniel was later put to sleep to prevent further suffering, the charity said.


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