Anger from locals as cherry blossom tree felled in People’s Park
Local residents in Park Ward are taking to social media to speak out after the much-loved cherry blossom tree in People’s Park was felled yesterday.
Tony Dugard, a resident of Park Ward, said: “To the untrained eye the tree appeared strong and healthy, in no danger of falling down. It was in full bloom at a time of year when birds are nesting.
“As a local resident living in the conservation area, we are fully aware that we cannot crown, lift, fell or reduce the size of trees on our property without consulting the council conservation office before any work begins, yet the council appear to have felled a spectacular specimen of Cherry tree for what is rumoured to be a health and safety trip hazard.
“If anyone ever tripped over this tree’s root, I would argue that Specsavers are missing a customer.”
Another resident commented: “I absolutely couldn’t believe it when I saw them chopping it down today. It was a beautiful tree full of blossom. I’ve never noticed any roots as a tripping hazard.”
“I was only commenting yesterday how beautiful the trees were this year. With the closure of the halls, the cafe, a failure to control the rodents, and now this, they won’t be happy until they’ve ruined the park completely,” said another.
According to North East Lincolnshire Council, it was decided that the tree be felled after it was found to have fungus and “extensive root damage”, as well as its proximity to the pathway.
A spokesperson from North East Lincolnshire Council said: “The cherry tree was inspected and found to have Ganoderma fungus on its north side, which causes decay of the tree bark. There was also extensive root damage.
“As the tree was close to a pathway, it was recommended it be felled and replaced.
“Our tree team will never cut down a healthy tree, and where possible we will replace trees we remove.
“We do our utmost to protect and preserve our trees, woodlands and natural habitats.”
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