
Memorial of much loved local lad Curt Withers vandalised

A memorial place where Curt Wither’s family and friends go to remember him on a regular basis has been vandalised this week.

Curt’s sister Maddison said ‘I feel very upset and disgusted about what’s happened. After the 5 year passing and 29th Birthday of my brother the other day, somebody felt it was necessary to go and destroy his tribute.
‘Why anyone would feel the need to do this is disgraceful to say the least. His picture which has been placed there 5 years has now been dug up and stolen and the flowers/oranaments that people take down there on occasions was all kicked, dug up and thrown in the ditch.
The tribute is now destroyed

Curt was a well known and much loved local lad

Maddison added ‘I believe this has been done deliberately as his picture was fixed firmly in the ground and not easily moveable. Whoever has done this you should be highly ashamed of yourself. We will be re-doing this and putting Curt’s picture back up! If you know who did this please get in touch.’

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