
Man left with hefty bill after fly-tipping a washing machine in Garibaldi Street Car Park

fly-tipping in garibaldi street car park

Man left with hefty bill after fly-tipping a washing machine in Garibaldi Street Car Park

A Cleethorpes man was fined £715 after he pled guilty to fly-tipping a washing machine in Garibaldi Street Car Park in Grimsby.

In May 2019, 36-year-old Anton Zenobiu of Grimsby Road was caught on CCTV dumping the appliance in the car park.

Video footage from the cameras in the car park showed him pulling up with a washing machine in the back of his Toyota Rav4.

Zenobiu and another man are then seen climbing out of the car and walking to the boot. The pair then dumped the washing machine behind a bank of recycling bins before driving away.

Following the offence, the defendant was sent a fixed penalty notice for £400.

He failed to pay the fine and as a result, appeared before Grimsby Magistrates’ Court on 30 April 2021.

Zenobiu was fined £325, ordered to pay a contribution towards costs in the sum of £358 and a victim surcharge of £32, making a total of £715.

The defendant told the court that he “did not realise” what he had done was an offence. He told officers that in future, he would take items to the tip or book a bulky waste collection.

Cllr Ron Shepherd, portfolio holder for safer and stronger communities, said: “It costs us tens of thousands of pounds each year to clean up after people who dump their waste illegally.

“In this case, the defendant could have taken the washing machine to the tip for free and used the Council’s bulky waste service.

“Instead, he chose to dump it in a car park and has ended up with a court bill for £715.

“Fly-tipping is illegal. We investigate all incidents and where we have enough evidence we will act by imposing a fine or taking suspects to court.”

North East Lincolnshire Council are reminding people that if they don’t “check the credentials” of waste carriers, they can also be prosecuted if their waste is found fly-tipped.

A council spokesperson said: “They could land themselves with a fine of £300 and possibly more if they are a business.

“In the last 18 months, enforcement officers issued 86 fixed penalty notices for fly-tipping and other waste-related offences, including three for failing to give waste to an authorised carrier. More cases are due to be heard in court.”

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