Police to hold drop-in sessions for concerned Doncaster residents
Police have announced plans to hold a number of drop-in sessions in Doncaster to allow residents to raise concerns and issues.
The events will be held at the Mexborough Police Station by the Doncaster West Neighbourhood Policing Team.
A spokesperson for Doncaster West NPT said:
“The two hour sessions will give the public a chance to speak to PCs and PCSOs and chat about any issues that they might have where they live.
“Weather permitting, we aim to hold these outside the front entrance where social distancing guidelines can be observed.
“Alternatively, these can be held in the front reception area with COVID-19 regulations being adhered to.”
The dates and times are as follows:
Wednesday 9 June
Tuesday 6 July
Wednesday 4 August
Tuesday 7 September
Tuesday 5 October
Tuesday 9 November
Wednesday 8 December
All sessions will take place between 9am and 11am.
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