
EXCLUSIVE: NELC spokesperson discusses potential new bus station in Grimsby town centre

Bus station in Grimsby town centre

EXCLUSIVE: NELC spokesperson discusses potential new bus station in Grimsby town centre

A spokesperson for North East Lincolnshire Council has discussed the potential new £10 million bus station in Grimsby town centre.

Following a NELC Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 20 October, leading councillors agreed to submit the £39 million Bus Service Improvement Plan to the government.

This plan would allow for public transport improvements in North East Lincolnshire to be delivered over a five-year period.

The improvements could include improvements to bus interchange services, increased bus frequencies and the modernisation of the bus fleet.

Despite talks of a potential new bus station in Grimsby town centre, many local residents have spoken out against the idea, after the original bus station was closed to the public in 2013 to make way for on-street bus stops and shelters.

One resident commented: “The old bus station was dangerous with people walking in front of buses from behind other buses. The walkways were never used correctly.”

“Why get rid of the bus station in the first place? It was fine where it was. At least you knew where to stand, not like now. I think the council needs to spend money elsewhere,” said another.

When asked why the original bus station was closed to the public, a North East Lincolnshire Council spokesperson said: “Initial works to remove the bus station and provide an on street alternative were developed in line with the regeneration ambitions at that time. Further growth was anticipated with private developers and investors. Unfortunately, and out of the council’s control, the regeneration ambitions did not come to fruition.

“We must also consider the economic and retail picture back when the bus station was removed and its radical change over the years that have followed since 2014. Fast forward to today and you see how that change has opened up this whole area of Grimsby town centre for regeneration.”

 The spokesperson also discussed the Council’s future plans for the Riverhead area.

“Plans are in place to transform the Riverhead into a public square that makes use of its waterfront, providing an events space with new landscaping, lighting, signage, a river footbridge, and street furniture. This is set to be carried out using a portion of grant funding allocated from the Towns Fund.

“People who took part in the Grimsby Masterplan survey said they wanted the Riverhead to be a public space for people to meet in the heart of the town centre, along with suggestions for special events and its connection to the waterfront.

“The plans for the Riverhead would further complement the work that has already been done to transform the town centre, including Garth Lane and St James’ Square. The Riverhead is also part of Grimsby’s Heritage Action Zone, and by opening it up, this has created an open passage of travel through the town centre. 

“Further research and development has gone into the future use of the town centre and now, as part of an opportunity to bid for major bus funding, we are in a position where we can potentially invest in building a better and sustainable transport model for the future.

“If the council is successful in securing the funding, this will be used to continue the growth in the area and provide greater opportunities for accessing work, training and leisure across the area. We are continuing to take major strides in improving the town centre and this latest funding pot can allow us to build on providing a better and greener way to get people using public transport. 

“Our ambitions, based on the proposals laid out in the bus service improvement plan and possible funding of up to £39m, are dependent on successful engagement with key stakeholders and securing both funding and subsequent planning approvals with full engagement.

“These proposals are at an initial concept stage and no location or design proposals have been developed.”

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