The Canoe River Cleaner reflects a year on
Jim, The Canoe River Cleaner, celebrated his first anniversary on the job on Boxing Day by reflecting on his achievements from the past year.
With the pandemic forcing people into isolation and onto the furlough scheme, the Grimsby volunteer achieved a huge amount of work cleaning up the Freshney River, several parks and more around the town over the past year with friends and volunteers alike.
Just recently, on Monday 20 December, he helped raise £1010 for Harbour Place Grimsby by cleaning up eight different parks in a single day.
Jim also has a crowdfunding page which helps him to continue his efforts and can be found here.
With a goal of £15,000, donators have so far managed to raise just over half of the money.
His efforts will see the town’s river come back to life, cleaner and safer for residents and wildlife alike.
His steady aim to collect as much litter as he can, quicker than it can be put down.
He also wishes to educate litterers on the impact caused by their actions.
His younger volunteers, such as nine-year-old Baize, also inspire others to share in their passion and commitment.
The Canoe River Cleaner wrote a statement on social media which said: “At this particular time [last year], I was on furlough, feeling grateful for our front-line NHS workers, and sorry for our low-paid carers and the like that helped to prop us up despite the threat of the pandemic.
“Due to restrictions, I walked the Freshney more frequently.
“I knew that the quickest route to a solution to the debris that tarnished our river was to get in there and sort it.”
Speaking to Gi Media, Jim said: “Boxing day marked the one-year anniversary of when Jim The Canoe River Cleaner started his mission to help with the rivers.
“Fast forward to today and he has a regular sidekick in the name of Dylan Tupin who, with the help of some funding from Orsted, has ben trained and kited out o do the same job when workload requires it.
“Other regular volunteers include Kev Hewitt and a nine-year-old eco warrior called Baize that is inspiring lots of children to help.
“The approaching year will see more of the same but also with the rollout of an education video filmed by Rick Baker, which will serve to educate local school children of the impact of litter and also the correct food for our ducks and swans.”
(Images: The Canoe River Cleaner)
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