
Cleethorpes Wildlife Rescue aids search for missing dog Lockie

Cleethorpes Wildlife Rescue aids search for missing dog Lockie

Cleethorpes Wildlife Rescue has now joined the search for Lockie, a dog who sadly went missing on New Year’s Eve.

Annie Dobbs and her family have been searching for Lockie since he was lost from their home in Immingham.

The community have rallied around the family, aiding them in searches and setting up a Facebook page in a bid to get Lockie home safe and sound.

Last night, the wildlife trust joined in the search after a confirmed recent sighting.

Although the team were not able to find the dog, they remain optimistic as the family can now rule out Lockie being stuck in a hazardous place.

The team plan to head back to the area in the daylight and search the areas that weren’t reachable in the dark.

Cleethorpes Wildlife Rescue said: “As a wildlife rescue it’s not often that we get involved with domestic animals, however tonight we offered our assistance in a missing dog search in Immingham due to a recent confirmed sighting.

“Our team was able to search most of the areas too hazardous for the public without the right training and safety equipment.

“On our search, we were unable to locate any sign of the dog but this doesn’t mean it’s a bad outcome, the conditions we entered was deep mud, frozen deep puddles and sudden drops…with no signs, it would be hopeful to suggest that Lockdown (the dog) hasn’t got stuck down there and is still on the move.

“The drawback, of course, is that this was a nighttime search over a vast area so there are patches even we couldn’t access at night (for safety) – We’re going to try to get back down tomorrow (depending on how many of our own rescues we have) during the daylight hours to give it another go!

“Thank you to Aaron and Lauren for taking on the rough terrain (in full protective equipment) and Jen and Katie for doing an outer perimeter check on the safer ground and also the owners who met us to go over what they’ve done on their own.”

If anyone has information on Lockie’s whereabouts they can contact Annie on 07514213238.

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Ellie joined Gi Media in July 2021.