New scheme for North Lincolnshire landlords to tackle poor housing
North Lincolnshire Council is aiming to protect renters further as they launch a new scheme for landlords.
The Decent and Safe Homes (DASH) scheme aims to identity quality landlords who care about achieving high standards for their renters.
The “new ‘scores on the doors’ style accreditation scheme” will see participating landlords go through vetting processes and property inspections before they are deemed worthy by the council.
Cllr Rob Waltham, leader of North Lincolnshire Council, reported: “The majority of landlords do not let their standards fall and they will be recognised for that.
“This new accreditation will become a standard which gives confidence to tenants and landlords.
“Just as the food hygiene ratings give customers confidence in buying from restaurants and takeaways, this will operate in much the same way for their homes.
“This accreditation puts tenants in control and enables them to only rent from good landlords, hopefully putting bad landlords out of business.
“We know too there is a small minority who flout the law, operating illegally and with a complete disregard to housing standards.
“This will not be tolerated.”
Cllr John Davison, cabinet member for stronger communities in Ashby, Bottesford and Scunthorpe, added: “We have been working closely with landlords in relation to the scheme and the initial feedback from them has been very encouraging.
“The scheme enables us to support good landlords, address minor issues and ensures that where we need to act to protect tenants against criminal landlords, we can.”
The new DASH scheme is set to launch in April this year.
(Image: Tom Thain)
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