
Free compost bins for local schools

Free compost bins for local schools

Six North East Lincolnshire schools have been given new compost bins to help recycle food waste and keep their classroom gardens looking great.

North East Lincolnshire Council is offering compost bins to the area’s schools to help with environmental projects and to help with lessons about recycling.

Schools benefitting from the new bins include New Waltham Academy, Macaulay Primary Academy, William Barcroft Junior School, Humberston Academy, Cambridge Park, and Ormiston Maritime Academy.

They will be using them to teach the children how to recycle at home and how to collect recycle food waste to help live more sustainably and help our planet.

Bin manufacturer MGB Plastics supplied the compost bins through the social value element of its contract to supply wheelie bins to households in North East Lincolnshire.

Cllr Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for Environment and Transport, said:“Composting is good for your garden and the planet. From fruit and vegetable peelings to tea bags and grass clippings, about a third of the waste in your household bin can be composted.

“If you think your school or your children’s school would be interested in receiving a free compost bin or recycling bins for lessons, please email and put ‘FAO Education Team – Free Bins’ as the subject line.”

Donna Beeson at William Barcroft Junior School said:

“As a school we are aiming to reduce the impact of food and garden waste by composting, so the compost bin is fantastic. The children have loved how accessible it is to use the compost bin as part of our gardening club!”

Kim Walton at Cambridge Park Academy, who received a set of recycling bins, said:

“We have started to use the bins for recycling with the students. We work on the bases of recycle and reuse wherever we can. For our bins, we will be taking the contents to a community recycle station with our students.”

Humberston Academy principal Dan Shoubridge said: “Humberston Academy intends to significantly reduce the volume of waste we produce over the next few years. As a certified Eco School, we feel it is crucial that we take care of our local environment. These new bins will ensure we can continue to do that long into the future.”

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Ellie joined Gi Media in July 2021.