
Community garden wins prestigious award

Community garden wins prestigious award

A community garden in Keelby has won a prestigious Britain in Bloom award after working hard to create their beautiful green space.

Brightening Keelby won the ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ award, scoring an incredible Level 4 rating in their first ever assessment.

It’s Your Neighbourhood is a unique scheme for volunteer led community gardening projects/groups who are focused on improving their local environment through community gardening. Almost any outdoor site being looked after by the local community qualifies for this scheme.

Commenting on the garden, judges wrote: “The garden is attended to by a number of volunteers on a regular basis who each bring a different and contribution. The community is at the heart of this with contributions from local businesses and a very adept bid writer has had impressive success.

“What is striking is just how much interest has been strategically placed into such a small space. It is abundant in horticulture witha real diversity in such a modest space. The garden was cantered around a jubilee theme but pictures show the space takes on a different theme at different points in the year. I’m sure this has the locals curious as to what theme may be used next.”

Brightening Keelby carry out amazing work all over the village and in Grimsby and Cleethorpes.

Recently for the late Queen Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee they decorated their garden with union jacks and showed their patriotic pride.

They previously decorated the garden for their Ukraine appeal shortly after the Russian invasion began, raising money for the worthwhile cause.

Group member Louise Drakes regularly ‘yarn bombs’ the surrounding areas with handmade knitted figures, such as the Queen and seagulls dotted around Cleethorpes promenade.

(Image: Brightening Keelby/Facebook)

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Ellie joined Gi Media in July 2021.