Nici ‘silent’ as MPs discuss migrant hotels
MP for Great Grimsby Lia Nici has come under fire once again as constituents criticise her ‘silent’ approach to the issue of housing migrants and asylum seekers in hotels.
In the past Nici has been extremely forthright about her concerns over “putting illegal immigrants in places across the UK that do not have the infrastructure or the expertise to look after them.”
But residents are frustrated by a lack of continuity after she failed to make a statement in parliament on Wednesday when the matter was being discussed.
A frustrated Andy Slaughter, MP Hammersmith Labour asked the Home Office if he could at least ‘have a weeks notice’
Matt Warman, MP for Boston and Skegness, referenced a worry in the community, regarding the curtain. Rachael Maskell, MP for York Central, spoke of NHS nurses in the middle of training, having to find alternative accommodation due to migrants, as she went on to say it was costing the NHS, the more it goes on, with a reported 150 nurses who will be affected in her constituency.
However, after a tirade from MPs seemingly upset about the apparent lack of notice, many locals were left frustrated with the Grimsby MP, as she seemingly fell silent on the matter, despite meeting with the Immigration Minster weeks prior.
In the Parliament session, the Immigration Minister, Robert Jenrick, said local authorities would be receiving around £3000 per person.
Commenting on a Gi Grimsby News article, one follower wrote: “She was sat in parliament today, huddled in the corner, never said one thing about hotels in the area being used for asylum seekers, yet the MP for Skegness went mad at the immigration minister about hotels being used there.”
(Image: Parliament TV)
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