Wiltshire Police have been made aware of a scam targeting residents in Wiltshire and further afield who are Sky customers.
The scam is believed to be aimed at customers who lost access to their internet and TV services over the weekend (16- 17 November).
Individuals have reported having a notification on their tablets and phones which reads: ‘Just to let you know your Sky internet service will be cut off within the next 24-48 hours’. This message is followed by a list of contact numbers for Sky with a prompt for customers to call to prevent them from being cut off.
When the number is called the person on the other end of the phone will then go through all of the customers details with them and ask for their long card number, account number and sort code. Once this has happened the phone call is ended.
Following this the customer receives another call stating that a mistake has been made and funds have been paid into their account. The person on the end of the call has then requested that the customer attends their bank’s local branch immediately to return the funds to an account keeping a small amount of money for the ‘inconvenience.’
The scam appears to be focussed around transferring money from one of the customer’s accounts into their current account so that when the customer looks at their bank statement it shows funds have been paid into their account making them feel that the scam is in fact reality.
Please be aware when providing your bank details to anybody over the phone that banks and other major companies such as Sky will never call you and ask for your personal information or to provide your bank details unless you are purchasing something from them.
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