Cemeteries close as Doncaster death toll rises
Doncaster Council have said that all of the towns cemeteries will close from today as part of Covid-19 lockdown measures, the announcement comes as the local death toll rises to 14, with 5 new confirmed deaths.
A spokesman for the council said:
“Cemeteries are closing from today in line with national guidance. We know this will be difficult for people but hopefully we can find ways of remembering loved ones at home such as lighting a candle.”
The closure will remain in force until further notice. Weddings and baptisms have already been cancelled.
Funerals are still allowed to take place, but with a severely restricted number of mourners, all guests are still expected to maintain social distancing measures.
This comes as the death toll in Doncaster rises by 5 overnight, meaning that it now has the highest number of Covid-19 deaths in South Yorkshire.
As of 09:00 this morning, there have been 137 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Doncaster.
Nationally, there have been 47,806 cases, 4,934 deaths.
This is not including todays figures, which have not been announced in total.
Doncaster Royal Infirmary said that seven people in Doncaster had been successfully treated for Covid-19 and had been released from hospital.
The number of cases in the town is believed to be far higher, as community cases are still not being tested.
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