
Significant minority find lockdown rules ‘extremely difficult’

find lockdown rules 'extremely difficult'

Significant minority find lockdown rules ‘extremely difficult’

A recent poll carried out by Kings College London has suggested that a significant minority of Britons are finding the UK Government’s lockdown rules ‘extremely difficult’ to adhere to.

Some 15% of the population say that they are already struggling to cope with the challenging restrictions, and a further 14% expect that they will be unable to cope under the conditions within the next month.

The poll surveyed 2250 people, and was conducted a week ago, revealing the degree of hardship and suffering experienced by some households.

The UK has now been in a state of lockdown for almost three weeks. In a televised broadcast, Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the British public that they are no longer permitted to leave their homes except for in essential or exceptional circumstances.

While most have managed to adhere to the rules, with 9 out of 10 people supporting the lockdown, saying they have been following advice on social distancing, many have found the impact on their finances and emotional health very difficult.

The UK Government announced that they would review the situation on or around Easter Monday, and have since said that it is unlikely the restrictions will be lifted anytime soon.

49% of those asked said they felt more anxious than normal. 38% said they were having trouble sleeping, and 22% people said they were already facing significant money problems.

16% of workers said they had either already lost their job or were very likely to do so in the near future.

Researchers at Kings College London, who are making strides in their research on Covid-19, also revealed that younger people appear to be struggling to cope with the restrictions more than older people. Among 16-24-year-olds, 24% said they were finding the emotional challenges of being cooped up behind closed doors extremely difficult.

Only 11% of those aged 45 to 75 said they were struggling.

Overwhelmingly, although many are struggling, the British public, seems supportive of the restrictions, acknowledging its public health benefits, the need to protect the NHS and the importance of preventing any further spread of the virus.

Only 5% of people said they opposed the lockdown with 68% strongly supporting the “stay at home” instruction.

60% stated that they have completely followe” the government guidelines on leaving the house as little as possible with another 27% saying they have complied nearly all the time.

Only 1% admit to ignoring the advice.

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