
Fresh appeal in the case of missing Louise Smith

Man arrested on suspicion of murder of teenager Louise Smith

Fresh appeal in the case of missing Louise Smith

Hampshire Constabulary have launched a fresh appeal in the case of missing Havant teenager Louise Smith.

Yesterday, investigators escalated the case, as they were led to Rowlands Castle.

Officers have also been conducting extensive enquiries and searches in Leigh Park and Havant, and these enquiries will continue in the Havant Thicket and Staunton Country Park areas.

Two people, a man and a woman – both 29, who were arrested on suspicion of kidnapping have now been released on bail.

Now, police have launched a fresh appeal in their search for the missing 16-year-old, and are requesting that potential witnesses submit video footage from VE Day.

Officers searching for missing 16-year-old Louise from Havant are keen to hear from anyone who may have witnessed anything significant, or captured anything on video, during VE Day celebrations on Friday 8 May.

Louise was last see at around midday on VE Day in Somborne Drive, Havant.

She has not been seen or been in contact since.

Chief Inspector Alex Reading said:

“We know a lot of people would have been out on their driveways on VE Day, and may have been filming the celebrations in their neighbourhood on camera or mobile phone.

“If you were out celebrating or filming on VE Day in Leigh Park, we ask you to please take a look back over your footage to see if you captured Louise walking by.

“Perhaps you drove through the area on VE Day and saw someone matching Louise’s description, or caught her on Dash Cam. Please check your Dash Cam footage from this day to see if it captured anything that could help our investigation.

“I would like to thank the public for all their support, as I know this will be concerning for the community.

“We are still treating this as a missing person investigation, and our priority is to find Louise and make sure she is safe.

“Louise, if you are reading this, please call us and let us know you are ok. We just want to know that you are safe.

“If you feel you cannot call us, then please call a friend or a loved one – we need to know that you are ok.”

Anyone with information should call police on 101, quoting 44200163113, or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

You can also submit information through an online portal by clicking here.

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