Doncaster man locked-up after being caught in hotel with underage girl
A photograph has been released of a Doncaster man who has been locked-up after being caught in a hotel with an underage girl.
This follows further allegations that he was also seen “stealing children’s pants” from the washing line of a former neighbour.
On May 26, Sheffield Crown Court heard how Curtis Critchley, 19, came to the attention of police after he was caught stealing children’s pants from a former neighbour’s washing line in Doncaster.
He was also found with more stolen children’s clothing and two indecent images of youngsters.
Gordon Stables, prosecuting, said that while Critchley was under investigation he met a 14-year-old girl on Snapchat and after claiming he was aged 15 she believed they were in a relationship, and arranged to meet with him.
Staff at Mr Critchley’s sheltered accommodation carried out checks and they reported the relationship to police.
In March, the girl’s grandmother reported her missing to police after she failed to return home.
According to Mr Stables, during a journey to Critchley’s accommodation, the girl was persuaded to masturbate him over his clothing during the journey.
Mr Stables said that staff at the accommodation asked the girl to leave so Critchley arranged for a friend to give them a lift to a Holiday Inn, in Manvers, Rotherham.
Critchley touched the youngster’s private parts under and over her clothing and she masturbated him, before police found Critchley at the hotel.
He also admitted unrelated incidents of the theft of clothing, handling stolen clothing, and two counts of possessing indecent photos from August and September, 2019.
It is said that Critchley suffers with autism and ADHD and has a limited emotional maturity and has mental health issues.
He has been sentenced Critchley to three-years and four-months in a Young Offender Institution.
Critchley must register as a sex-offender for life.
He has been placed on a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for ten years and given a ten-year restraining order.
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