
No fines issued by Humberside Police for not wearing masks

Public spending on crisis soars again

No fines issued by Humberside Police for not wearing masks

Humberside Police have stated that the “overwhelming majority” of people have been complying with the new rules regarding face coverings, and that thus far, no fines have been issued.

As of Monday 15 June, anybody using public transport in England is required to wear a mask or face covering.

The Department of Transport have issued a comprehensive list of rules, and have stated that non-compliance may result in a fine of up to £100.

A spokesperson for the department said:

In a statement issued yesterday, a spokesperson for the department said:

“The advice is clear that people should continue to avoid taking public transport where possible, but by mandating the use of face coverings Government is asking passengers to play their part in helping to protect each other as the numbers of people travelling gradually start to rise across the country, following the careful easing of restrictions when it’s safe to do so.”

Fortunately, Humberside Police have announced that thus far, nobody in our region has been fined for failing to wear a mask on public transport since the new rules were introduced.

A spokesperson for the force added:

“We can confirm that we have not had to issue any fines to people for failing to comply with wearing face coverings.

“The overwhelming majority of people have listened to the Government advice, complying with the guidelines. Our policing approach at Humberside Police continues to use common sense and discretion.

“Officers continue to deliver day to day policing and where we see potential breaches, we strive to engage, explain and encourage members of the public to comply with the latest rules.

“As before, we only use enforcement where we feel we have no other option.”

More than 3,000 extra staff, including police officers, were deployed to stations across England to help enforce new rules on face coverings in public.

Service operators have been granted permission to refuse entry to passengers attempting to board busses, coaches, ferries, planes, trams and trains if they refuse to cover their face.

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