
Restrictions to be lifted for those ‘shielding’

Peterborough school closes over Coronavirus fears

Restrictions to be lifted for those ‘shielding’

As the UK has passed the peak of the coronavirus outbreak, it has been announced that ‘shielding’ is to end from 1st August for England’s 2.2 million most vulnerable people.

Those who have been shielding during the coronavirus pandemic will soon be able to meet six others from outside their home.

This comes after the news that the COVID-19 daily toll is at its lowest since mid-March.

They will also be able to visit shops, places of worship and return to work, if it is safe to do so.

Peterborough school closes over Coronavirus fears

In March letters were sent to millions of people in the UK,  telling them that, due to their health, they would need to stay inside and self isolate for at least 12 weeks.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced the change will apply in England from Monday 6th July for those deemed clinically “extremely vulnerable”.

They will no longer have to shield from 1 August, but the government has said that support from NHS volunteers and local councils will remain in place.

The Health Secretary also said that seven supermarkets have agreed to give the shielded priority delivery slots and urges employers to be sympathetic to their needs to help them return to work.

 Todays daily breifing also said that anyone living alone, or single parents with children, will be allowed to form a “support bubble” with one other household of any size, in line with rules in place for the wider population.

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