
Schools in Hull prepare to reopen

Schools in Hull prepare to reopen

Schools in Hull prepare to reopen

Schools across Hull are preparing to reopen in September, with various new measures in place based on the school’s own risk assessments.

Some schools are having students return in a phased approach, or implementing staggered start and finish times and one-way systems.

This comes as Hull City Council issues an update on the city’s coronavirus rate following a number of recent localised outbreaks.

The council say that they have the situation under control, and have outlined an ‘Outbreak Management and Prevention Plan’.

As of today, Hull’s coronavirus rate is 2.3 per 100,000 of the population.

This increase compares to last week’s rate of 1.9 per 100,000 of the population.

Councillor Peter Clark, Portfolio Holder for learning and skills at North Lincolnshire Council said:

“Returning to school is a priority for education and it will be good for the wellbeing of children and young people in the city, giving them the opportunity to socialise with others.

“A phenomenal amount of careful thought and planning has taken place by schools in conjunction with advice from Public Health, and including considerations such as transport, home learning and mental health, through the Hull Learning Partnership.

“The health and safety of school staff, children and their families is at the forefront of planning as we prepare for September.”

Rachel Wilkes of Humber Education Trust added:

“We are really looking forward to welcoming back all of our pupils.

“Within our schools we have hand wash stations, where every pupil will wash their hands upon coming into, and upon leaving, school. Hand wash and antibacterial gel is available throughout school and all surfaces and equipment will be cleaned regularly. Staff and pupils will be in bubbles to reduce the number of other people they are in contact with.

“Movement around the schools will be staggered and follow one-way systems, again to reduce contact between pupils. Signage and distancing stickers are placed around the schools to help pupils to continue to social distance.”

Home learning will continue for any pupils who are self-isolating at home.

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