
A18 scheme extended to M181

A18 scheme extended to M181

A18 scheme extended to M181

In a bid to improve the overall appearance and environmental impact of Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire Council have extended the schedule of works on the A18 to cover a wider area.

This redevelopment, initially focused on the Queensway area, will now include the stretch of road from the Kingsway to the M181.

North Lincolnshire Council leader Rob Waltham said:

“This route through the town is an important stretch of road – it is where first, and lasting, impressions are made.

“But it is also where people live and where others spend leisure time.

“Our investment in enhancing the environment is critically important for future generations.

“The strength of these projects is that we can do that while making the area a nicer place to be for motorists, cyclist and pedestrians.

“Improving this arterial route through the town will make a big difference to residents who live nearby and for those people on the approach into and out of town.”

A18 scheme extended to M181
Plans detailing the initiative by North Lincolnshire Council.

As part of the works, the existing landscaping will be reshaped to improve the image of the highway.

Additionally, fencing will be replaced, new hedging grown, and new planters installed.

There are also plans to grow low maintenance wild flower meadows.

Councillor David Rose, the authority’s cabinet member for the environment, added:

“Creation of wildlife habitats and the planting of trees are simple but have profound effects on our communities – the air is cleaner, the carbon in the atmosphere is cut, green spaces are enhanced and the risk of flooding is reduced.

“The Government’s ambitious Northern Forest plan, which will see more than 50 million trees planted between the Lincolnshire coast and the Mersey, is a major part in the development of this project.

“Planting trees is part of the council’s long term plans to make North Lincolnshire an even greener and cleaner place by embedding environmentally friendly policies and projects across our organisation.”

More than £1 million, including £700,000 from the Northern Forest Scheme, has been allocated for environmental projects across North Lincolnshire.

The project will see thousands of trees planted across the area.

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