
Doncaster care home closes after multiple failed inspections

Doncaster care home closes after multiple failed inspections

Doncaster care home closes after multiple failed inspections

A care home in Doncaster has been forced to close after it failed multiple inspections and was branded ‘inadequate’ twice in seven months.

Having failed an inspection in October 2019, Skellow Hall care home on Cross Hill was placed under the close watch of Doncaster Council.

Its responsiveness and effectiveness were instructed to improve by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

At the most recent inspection in June, officers found that Skellow Hall scored the lowest mark of ‘inadequate’ for safety and management.

The home has now been ordered to close.

Residents have been relocated.

A report issued in July said:

“Risks to people were not always managed and reduced. Accidents and incidents were not analysed.

“There were shortfalls in the way medicines were administered and staff were not suitably trained to administer medicines safely.

“Records were not accurate and up to date to show what care people had received.

“Staff were not suitably trained or supervised to be able to effectively carry out their roles and responsibilities.”

The inspection determined that the service provided at Skellow Hall was neither safe nor well led.

Some residents reported feelings of boredom and loneliness.

Concerns regarding safeguarding also emerged after staff told inspectors they were reporting incidents of suspected abuse to their line manager, but felt that “they were not always listened to”.

Phil Holmes, director of adult services at Doncaster Council, said:

“Skellow Hall was a service delivered by an independent provider who gave notice of closure in July 2020.

“As a council we worked closely with the CCG and CQC in monitoring issues and seeking improvement at the home. We had stopped supporting new people moving into the home to give Skellow Hall staff the space and time to address underlying concerns and improve quality of care for existing residents.

“We also had council and NHS staff visiting the home almost every day to ensure residents were properly supported.

“Once the owner made the decision to close, Doncaster Council worked individually with care home residents and their families to help them move to new locations that provide appropriate support in convenient locations for family visitors.

“The concerns at Skellow Hall do not reflect Doncaster’s general situation and the strong commitment to quality from our local care homes whose staff have responded heroically to the challenge of Covid-19.”

Bosses at Skellow Hall Care Home announced the closure via Facebook earlier this month:

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