
Operation Galaxy arrests follow drugs searches

Operation Galaxy arrests follow drugs searches

Operation Galaxy arrests follow drugs searches

Operation Galaxy has struck out against the drugs trade in Cleethorpes and Scunthorpe with a series of arrests.
A large amount of suspected spice, Valium, drug paraphernalia, cash and several mobile phones, were discovered by police when they raided a property in Cleethorpes.
Two men and two women were arrested on suspicion of supplying Class A drugs following a search of a property on Harrington Street on Saturday.

The four have been released under investigation while Humberside Police continues its enquiries.

On Friday in Scunthorpe, two men were arrested on suspicion of production of cannabis and a third man was arrested on suspicion of supplying Class A drugs.

Upon searching a property on Avenue Vivian, Scunthorpe, officers discovered cannabis plants, cash, boxes of pills believed to be Xanax and Valium and drug paraphernalia.

The estimated value of the drugs found was approximately £50,000.

Upon searching a linked address, weapons including a black air pistol were discovered, as well as further items concerned in the production of drugs.

Two of the men have been released under investigation and the third has been bailed with conditions.

A spokesperson for Humberside Police said: “We encourage anyone who has any information about the production or supply of drugs in their area to get in touch with us on our non-emergency number 101. We take all reports seriously and will continue to take enforcement action where needed to make our communities safer.”

Operation Galaxy is Humberside Police’s proactive task force comprising detectives, officers and staff from major crime, roads policing, intelligence, economic crime, police dogs and handlers and various other departments.

It has seen major successes this year in tackling a wide array of criminality.

Photo: Operation Galaxy in action.

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