
Slavery investigation in Scunthorpe

Slavery investigation in Scunthorpe

Slavery investigation in Scunthorpe

Three Romanian men living in Scunthorpe have been charged with human trafficking, according to a Humberside Police report.

All three are being investigated in relation to the offence of bringing women into the country for the purpose of forcing them into prostitution.

This comes as part of an ongoing investigation into human trafficking and modern day slavery, led by Humberside Police’s Operation Wilberforce team.

The arrests, which were made earlier this week, were supported by South Yorkshire Police and British Transport Police.

Three men, Marius Dinu, 19 and Adi Dinu, 31, both of Axholme Road and Marian Dimutru, 25, of Buckingham Street, were taken into police custody and charged with human trafficking for sexual exploitation.

Officers also discovered two women who are alleged to have been brought into the country and sexually exploited by the men.

They have been safeguarded and are being supported by specially trained teams.

Speaking last week, following an investigation at a car wash in Cleethorpes, Detective Sergeant Jon Jeffs said:

“Modern Day Slavery is something which affects communities across the UK and beyond and, sadly, our area is not immune to those looking to exploit others for their own gain.

“As part of our ongoing work to prevent people from being exploited in this way, we and our partners make unannounced visits like this one today, to speak with business owners and workers to ensure that everything is in order and that they are being treated fairly.

“Sadly, Modern Day Slavery is an issue that often goes unnoticed but is happening all around us, affecting men, women and children of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities.

“Victims are exploited in a number of different ways, from forced labour to domestic servitude and sexual exploitation.

“But you can help us to reach them and keep them safe by knowing the signs to look out for and getting in touch if you’re concerned.”

Anybody who has suspicions surrounding modern day slavery or who has concerns about a vulnerable person, is asked to call Humberside Police via the non-emergency line 101.

The men involved in this most recent case appeared before Hull Magistrates Court this morning.

They have been remanded to appear before Hull Crown Court on Friday, 30 October.

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