
Nursery pupils sent home after positive Covid case

Nursery pupils sent home after positive Covid case

Nursery pupils sent home after positive Covid case

A number of pupils at the Queensway Day Care Nursery in Grimsby have been sent home after a member of staff tested positive for Covid-19.

This follows a series of reports of positive cases at other local schools.

The female member of staff at Queensway Day Centre is said to be recovering at home.

A number of pupils who have been in close contact with her have also been sent home and are now in self-isolation.

Discussing the situation, general manager Amanda Gilbert said:

“A member of staff at the Queensway Day Care Nursery has tested positive.

“It was reported through the proper channels and we followed the required procedures.

“We had a call from Public health England who commended us in our swift response.

“Some of the children in the setting are now unable to attend.

The general manager said: “We have robust procedures in the nursery. Parents do not even come in and queue at the entrance.”

It is currently unclear how many of the school’s 54 students are affected.

According to researchers, parents should be reassured by the fact that the risk of coronavirus to children is ‘tiny’.

Covid-19 has not caused the deaths of any otherwise healthy schoolchildren in the UK, and the chances of children needing hospital treatment for coronavirus is tiny, they say.

Dr Liz Whittaker, of Imperial College London, said:

“Very low numbers of children have been admitted to critical care and the researchers reported a very low death rate – particularly in comparison to adults but also in comparison to the death rate due to other infections, influenza, chicken pox, meningitis, group-A-strep[tococcus] sepsis etc, and other causes of childhood death – for example, road traffic accidents.”

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