Benefit from Census 2021
All households across North Lincolnshire will be asked to take part in Census 2021 this spring which will benefit the UK.

The census is run by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), which gives the most accurate statistics of all households across England and Wales.
The survey circulates once every decade and results take 12 months to gather.
By gathering key information the data allows government organisations such as councils and health authorities to plan and fund public services.
The results will inform where billions of pounds of public funding on services including education, health and transportation.
Census 2021 will be the first census to run mostly online where thousands will receive letters which show a unique access code.
The access code will then allow households to complete the survey on a computer, mobile phone or tablet.
Iain Bell, deputy national statistician at the ONS, said: “It benefits everyone. Based on the information you give, it ensures millions of pounds are invested in emergency services, school places, GPs…”
“Everyone can complete online with a new search-as-you-type ability and paper forms for those who need them.”
For the first time there will be voluntary questions discussing gender identity and sexual orientation for those aged 16 and over.
Census day is Sunday 21 March, households will receive letters in advance with online codes explaining how to take part.
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