Grimsby resident inspires MNDA fundraiser
Lucas McNicoll, who grew up in Grimsby, has been inspired by his mother to run a half marathon to support people and other families who have been affected by Motor Neurone Disease.
Lucas McNicoll, who moved to Grimsby in 2001 with his family, will be fundraising for Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) after his mother was diagnosed with the disease in 2018.
After Sherrie Ann, Lucas’s mother, was diagnosed this meant many changes to the family home such as converting the living room to a bedroom and made her feel she had lost complete independence and freedom.
Before her diagnosis Sherrie was a teaching assistant at Oasis academy: Wintringham where she would always love to walk to and from work each weekday and said it is “something many of us take for granted.”
Mr McNicoll told GI Grimsby News: “My parents have always overcome any problems they’ve had by themselves with very little outside help. But together as one.”
“This has continued even after her diagnosis and although this is fantastic, if my donations could help another family in a way that they don’t have to “go it alone” then that would bring me joy!”
The disease is increasingly common across the UK and many often do not believe there is enough awareness regarding support and diagnosis.
The NHS have stated it affects around two in every 100,000 people in the UK each year and there are about 5,000 people living with the condition.
MNDA is a registered charity which supports those who have MND and Kennedy’s disease.
Sherrie Ann said: “We have had huge support from MNDA & the NHS, my advice is for other sufferers to concentrate on what they CAN still do rather than what they can NO LONGER do, and lots of laughter.”
In preparation for the half marathon the charity have sent a fundraiser pack including a running vest and t-shirt.
Lucas McNicoll added: “They are a great organisation but of course most of these organisations are non-profit and need all the help they can get.”
To prepare he found a custom 16 week training plan as well as plans to run the full length of the half marathon in Grimsby and Cleethorpes on predominantly flat terrain.
If you want to donate the following is the link:
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