
Rapid Covid-19 testing centres open in Grimsby and Cleethorpes

Rapid Covid-19 testing centres open in Grimsby and Cleethorpes

Rapid Covid-19 testing centres open in Grimsby and Cleethorpes

Access to rapid coronavirus tests is to be rolled out next week for key workers in Grimsby and Cleethorpes who have to go out to work despite the current lockdown.

With around 1 in 3 Covid-19 cases thought to be asymptomatic, the focus is to provide people who may therefore be carrying and transmitting the virus unwittingly, a result within half an hour.

Testing centres have been opened at Grimsby Town Hall and the Knoll in Cleethorpes.

There are also plans for a further site in Immingham to be opened in the future.

Regular rapid testing will identify if someone has coronavirus, triggering isolation requirements as quickly as possible.

The tests will enable eligible key workers to continue to provide vital goods and services, whilst avoiding wider transmission into the community.

Under current lockdown rules, a key worker is defined as anyone leaving home for work purposes where it is unreasonable for you to do your job from home.

Councillor Philip Jackson, Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council, said:

“Lateral Flow Tests offer a much quicker result time that conventional COVID tests because they do not need to be sent off to a laboratory.

“These tests will help us to identify coronavirus cases in those without symptoms that we wouldn’t have known about otherwise.  Isolation of those cases means  we can reduce the spread of COVID, whilst also enabling critical services to continue.

“These tests will be a valuable addition to our fight against coronavirus.

“It is still important that if anyone has any of the 3 principle symptoms of coronavirus, then they should arrange for a regular test via NHS.UK or by calling 119.”

Eligible key workers in North East Lincolnshire will be able to access LFT’s via an online booking system, and will be offered to take two tests per week.

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