
Cleethorpes business fined for breaching COVID-19 regulations

A business on Sea View Street in Cleethorpes was fined by Humberside Police today for operating illegally and breaching COVID-19 regulations.

Police on foot patrol were made aware of the breach by a member of the public.

A fixed penalty notice was issued to the business owner for breaching the regulations which state non-essential businesses should remain closed to the public during the lockdown.

Assistant Chief Constable Chris Noble said: “Over the last few weeks we have seen great progress being made in vaccinating our most vulnerable and although this progress is being made, we are currently still in a national lockdown and urge everyone to remain focussed and vigilant.

“Preventing the spread of the virus must remain a top priority for everyone and it’s vital we all play our part and follow the restrictions in place to protect our loved ones and communities.

“Until notified otherwise, non-essential businesses must remain closed. Those that are allowed within the restrictions to remain open must follow the regulations, taking the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe, such as with social distancing and the wearing of face coverings.

“We will continue to engage with business owners, using enforcement where required, and support our colleagues in the local authorities where further enforcement action is required.

“Our approach of engaging, explaining and encouraging, with enforcement as a last resort, has worked really well throughout the pandemic, and the majority of people and businesses have followed all of the necessary steps in ensuring public safety.”

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