
PM issues warning as lockdown restrictions ease

PM issues warning as lockdown restrictions ease

PM issues warning as lockdown restrictions ease

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned the public of the importance of adhering to the rules ahead of schools reopening on Monday.

The reopening of schools marks the first phase in the ‘roadmap’ out of England’s third national lockdown.

People are expected to be allowed to attend outdoor gatherings of either six people or two households on March 29, as the second step.

Finally, shops are set to reopen by April 12 with all restrictions lifting by June 21.

Addressing the nation, the Prime Minister said:

“The reopening of schools marks a truly national effort to beat this virus.

“It is because of the determination of every person in this country that we can start moving closer to a sense of normality – and it is right that getting our young people back into the classroom is the first step.

“We are being cautious in our approach so that we do not undo the progress we have made so far and I urge you all not to give up on your efforts to keep your families and others safe.

“Get the vaccine, get tested, and remember that we are all in this together.”

This follows the announcement that the daily number of hospital admissions and deaths due to coronavirus are the lowest they have been since the autumn.

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson added:

“Tomorrow will mark a moment of joy for millions of people across the country.

“I do not underestimate how challenging the last few months have been with some children in class and most at home, but I do know how important it is for all children to be back in school, not only for their education but for their mental health and wellbeing.”

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