
Local residents speak out against prospective Cleethorpes Controlled Parking Zone

Local residents speak out against prospective Cleethorpes Controlled Parking Zone

Residents of busy streets in Cleethorpes are voicing their concerns on North East Lincolnshire Council’s plans for a possible Controlled Parking Zone to solve the parking problems in the area.

Highway officials are looking at a possible scheme which includes the introduction of resident parking permits, as a solution to the pressure of local shoppers, tourists and commuters using residential roads for long stretches of time.

A public consultation with residents and businesses in Cleethorpes was carried out by the council to gauge the reaction to a Controlled Parking Zone.

Councillor Stewart Swinburn, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport, said earlier this year: The council and ENGIE remain committed to looking at a solution that balances the needs of all residents and businesses in the area.

“This is a legal and lengthy process, but I would like to assure those calling for the scheme that we are acting on feedback and working to develop a solution.”

However, some residents in the area are opposing the idea.

Roy Horobin, Liberal Democrat Candidate for Cleethorpes and a resident of one of the busy streets, said: “The plans don’t go far enough. It shows a failure of creative thinking and a failure to listen to what people in Cleethorpes are saying.

“Just a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. It really does depend on what street you’re in. What works on one street won’t work for another. Some streets are hit by tourist traffic on a Sunday, and some streets are hit by traffic in the week. Different streets need different solutions.

“There are creative solutions that come from residents. One example is taking unused land and turning it into car parking. The other thing is that electric cars are coming, and we’ve got to prepare for it. Instead of playing catch up, why don’t we be leaders, why don’t we get ready?”

In this video, Roy shares his ideas to solve the parking problems residents face in Cleethorpes.

Another resident has lived in one of the affected streets for 15 years. He said: “Where I live, it’s terraced housing and there’s only parking available in one side, so it’s a bit of a battle. I have problems parking when there’s an event on in Cleethorpes.

“We’ve heard rumours that the council want to charge for parking permits, but why should I pay £80 a year for a parking permit to park where I’ve always parked? The only time it would become of any value is when there’s an event on.”

“I’m dead against having a permit to park where I’ve always parked for free,” he added.

“In this area there is lots of dead land that is overgrown with weeds and rubbish dumped there. Why can’t they be converted into car parks? Some of the yellow lines on my street are excessively long. People end up parking on them and they get tickets, but when there’s nowhere else to park, what do you do?

“I think electric charging points need to be considered for terraced housing and alternative local parking areas with that facility,” the resident concluded.

Cllr Swinburn added: ““In the coming months, we will move to the next stage of the process and be engaging on possible parking measures in the resort. At this time, no firm decision has been made but we will continue to keep those affected updated as the scheme develops.”

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