One local resident said there is more dog mess than ever before on local paths and pavements in Scunthorpe.
Pavements in and around Scunthorpe are being blighted by dog poo, with more dog owners not cleaning up after their pets. Sadly some people don’t think twice about dumping their rubbish in the countryside either.
Environmental enforcement officers have set up a reporting system which can be done anonymously to help identify those responsible for fly-tipping.
Council workers cleared 286.6 tonnes of fly-tipped rubbish in 2020 and it costs the tax-payer £72,053.
In 2020, officers gave a total of 67 fixed penalty notices (FPNs) with more cases are due to be heard in court.
Of the 67, 53 people were fined £400 for fly-tipping and another 11 were fined £100 for littering offences.
Keep Britain Tidy say ‘dog mess is the most unacceptable and offensive type of litter on our streets. Our research tells us that dog fouling is the issue the public are most concerned about.’
North Lincolnshire Council ‘we clean town centres continuously and the roads are cleaned once every 8 to 12 weeks. If you feel there is an area that needs extra service, please let us know and we will check it out.
Please note that we are unable to use mechanical sweepers on block paved areas. This is because blocks can be sucked into the machines which causes damage to the sweeper and pavements. If block paved areas need sweeping, please let us know to request a manual sweeper.
In most public places it is an offence for anyone in charge of a dog to fail to clean up after it when it fouls. The offence carries a maximum fine of £1,000.
Dog mess will be cleared from hard surfaces only, and we aim to remove it within five working days from being reported.’
If you wish to raise any concerns please contact North Lincolnshire Council
Highways and Community Services
01724 297000
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