
Fear and anger after failure to get Norway fishing deal

Fear and anger after failure to get Norway fishing deal

Fear and anger after failure to get Norway fishing deal

Around 100 jobs are at risk around the Humber following the failure to acquire a fishing access deal with Norway.

The UK’s departure from the EU means it is no longer part of the European Common Fisheries Policy.

Instead, the UK negotiates with Norway directly over fishing catches.

According to a report by the BBC, the British government said it had offered a “fair deal,” but the two sides were “too far apart” to agree.

The breakdown of UK-Norway negotiations means UK fleets no longer have access to Norway’s seas in 2021. Norwegian vessels will also lose access to UK waters.

Jane Sandell, Chief Executive at Hessle-based UK Fisheries Ltd. has said that fishing crews have been “disastrously let down” by the government.
UK Fisheries Ltd., which employs around 100 crew members, added that it now has no work for its staff who usually operate in Norway’s sub-Arctic waters.
The company is responsible for 10% of all fish sold in UK chippies.

Speaking to BBC Radio 4, Ms Sandell said the failure to reach an agreement would mean her firm having only 40% of the fishing opportunities of previous years.

She said the news would be “absolutely devastating” for those workers and their families.

“In consequence, there will be no British-caught Arctic cod sold through chippies for our national dish,” continued Ms Sandell.

“It will all be imported from the Norwegians, who will continue to sell their fish products to the UK tariff-free while we are excluded from these waters.

“Quite simply, this is a disgrace and a national embarrassment.

“It means so much in this area to our history and our culture. We are in total shock, we never believed this would actually happen.”

The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations said absence of an agreement with Norway is likely to lead to more vessels trying “to make a living in the constrained waters of the North Sea and West of Scotland”.
