
Grimsby Town FC issues heartfelt response to Geoffrey Broome abuse

Grimsby Town FC Stadium

Grimsby Town FC issues heartfelt response to Geoffrey Broome abuse

The board of Grimsby Town FC have issued a public response to former youth football coach Geoffrey Broome and his association with local football in the 1980s and 1990s, following his imprisonment last month for abusing aspiring young footballers.

The former coach was jailed for four years after being convicted of eight counts of indecent assault against the victims.

The GTFC board expressed their “heartfelt sympathies” to the boys who were sexually abused by Broome in a statement released earlier today.

The full statement reads:

“We would like to respond to recent local press coverage in relation to Mr Geoffrey Broome and his involvement in local football teams in the Grimsby and District area during the 1980’s and 1990’s, particularly the potential association to Grimsby Town Football Club’s Youth Development Programme.

“As new owners, words cannot begin to describe how saddened we are to learn that there is even an alleged association of this type with the club we all love. We offer our heartfelt sympathies to the victims and their families of any such historic abuse. Naturally, this runs contrary to all the values we are trying to bring to the club.

“As with every modern professional football club, Grimsby Town Football Club has a dedicated Safeguarding Manager who plays a vital role in ensuring that abuse of any sort has no hiding place and we encourage any person who wishes to come forward to speak to the football club to do so.”

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