Visiting suspended at Grimsby hospital
Visiting has been suspended at Grimsby hospital after the recent rise in Covid hospitalisations which has resulted in many hospitals declaring a ‘critical incident’ for their sites.
Grimsby’s Diana, Princess of Wales hospital has now deemed it necessary to suspend visiting to all patients – except those who are most vulnerable – in order to protect as many patients as possible.
If patients are receiving end of life care, have a learning disability, have dementia or are experiencing serious mental health issues due to visiting restrictions, they will be allowed to receive visitors.
However, all visitors must still prove negative lateral flow tests before their visits.
The Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG) has also decided to ‘continue to allow visiting during maternity and paediatric care’.
This means that partners are still able to attend appointments and scans with patients as long as they are not showing any symptoms of Covid.
Partners may be asked to wait outside for their appointments, however.
Face coverings are still mandatory and everybody should continue to follow social distancing rules whilst on site.
Only one birth partner can visit the mother and baby in hospital for six hours at a time, twice daily prior to, during or after the birth.
These visits need to be booked by calling the ward first.
These rules do not apply to children as they are not allowed to attend appointments or visit the wards.
If the child is admitted to hospital themselves, only one parent or guardian can stay with them during their stay.
The new restrictions regarding visits being suspended are in line with national guidelines which aim to prevent the mass spread of coronavirus to vulnerable patients in hospitals across the country.
The NHS aims to keep people informed about when they can and cannot visit their loved ones in hospital.
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