
Tollbar issues response following huge backlash from parents

Tollbar issues response following huge backlash from parents

Tollbar Academy is facing major backlash from students and parents alike after placing 105 girls in isolation over incorrect uniform.

Last Tuesday (11 January) 105 female students were placed into isolation after being told their trousers and shoes were ‘inappropraite’ for school.

According to the academies uniform rule, shoes must be black, flat and have no decorations such as bows or hearts. Trousers must be black, full length, smart, tailored trousers made from non-stretch material. They are not allowed to be fitted or ankle legnth.

Many parents shared their outrage after being given less than 24 hours to change their daughters uniform to fit the schools strict code.

One frustrated parent told Gi Media: “Parents were told their kids will stay in isolation until parents buy new clothing. It’s disgusting when children have already lost so much time and parents are feeling the pinch.

“This is Grimsby, not London. Money is tight and this school has no interest in providing education at a key time for some students.”

Many years 11 students are starting to feel the pressure as their GCSE exams come ever closer, meaning more time revising in preparation.

Parents and pupils are outraged that they will be taken out of lessons at a time when all their attention should be on learning, not wearing the correct shoes.

Some parents also commented on the strictness of the unifrom code, stating that many offices and workplaces are not as strict in terms of clothing.

Male students were also pulled out of lessons but according to sources they weren’t dealt with as strictly as the female students. This sparked further anger amongst parents who feelt the school is telling female pupil’s that their education ‘matters less than the boys.’

Another student said that all 105 girls were placed in the gym hall for the entire day, only being alowed 30 minutes of ‘fresh air’ at lunch before going back into the hall to ‘stare at a wall for four hours.’

When asked about the safety of placing over 100 girls in a hall during a time when Covid measures are being reintroduced in secondary schools Tollbar Academy said that number of students was “significantly lower than 100”.

They went on to say: “Ventilation was important so windows and doors were open (children were permitted to wear coats if they were cold). The desks were spaced out well and children were able to social distnace from one another.

“Masks were provided and children actively encouraged to wear them as per guidance.”

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Ellie joined Gi Media in July 2021.