
East Marsh United on what makes Grimsby Great!


East Marsh United on what makes Grimsby Great!

East Marsh United has shared their views on what exactly makes Grimsby so great, just in time for Great Grimsby Day!

In an interview with BBC Radio Humberside, the community group shared their vision for how the area can be improved with the help of local residents.

With Great Grimsby Day upon us, celebrations are ongoing with the ‘Big Clean’ litter pick, one-of-a-kind art exhibitions, Grimsby Town offers and more available for locals to enjoy.

East Marsh United are looking to launch a Community Share Offer to raise £500,000 for the area.

A spokesperson for the team, Josie Moon, told Radio Humberside that they are looking to create one hundred homes, which will last at least one hundred years, for the town.

She said: “We want to take the challenge to the slum landlords and transform those homes on the East Marsh into decent, warm, safe family homes where people will want to come and live and be part of our community.”

Josie claimed that the team’s overall vision was to “transform the East Marsh because people everywhere want the same things. They want decent homes. They want nice neighbours and a nice neighbourhood to live in.”

Josie’s passion comes from her belief in the town and its people.

“Grimsby’s great because the people are great,” she continued.

“The people are resilient and brave and there’s so much history and heritage here.”

But she also believes that it is ‘the grassroots’ and ‘the people’ that need to act to make Grimsby the greatest it can possibly be.

What do you feel makes Grimsby great? Tell us in the comments section!

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Lauren joined the Gi Media team in August 2021.