
Reopened fast food chains agree to tackle litter

Reopened fast food chains agree to tackle litter

Reopened fast food chains agree to tackle litter

Many fast food chains including McDonalds, Burger King and KFC closed in the early stages of the coronavirus crisis.

But over the last few weeks, fast food chains have begun to reopen.

Overwhelmingly, the decision was met with excitement and large queues.

However, chains have been criticised for failing to tackle the litter-related and environmental consequences.

Now some McDonald’s and KFC franchises have agreed to increase their efforts in tackling litter from their restaurants.

KFC has agreed to a promotion campaign encouraging customers to dispose of their litter responsibly, while McDonald’s has agreed to increase its litter pickers by threefold.

A number of people used social media platforms to complain about an increase in litter following the reopening of the fast food chains.

A spokesperson for KFC tweeted:

“Let’s all do our bit; by which I mean doing the bare minimum and using a bin or holding onto your rubbish until you find one.

 “Fried chicken fans, we’ve missed you. A lot. And we know you’ve missed us too. We saw those homemade attempts and they really made us smile.

“But something that doesn’t make us smile is people spoiling our communities and wrecking the environment. Yup, litter. So that’s why we’re asking you, with love, not to be a tosser.

“Our team members are on the case carrying out regular little picks around restaurants.

“So when we still see photos online of KFC litter on UK and Irish streets, we really do throw our wings up in despair.

“Being a good neighbour matters, so we just want to encourage you to take your litter home with you, or toss it in the bin.

“With great chicken comes great responsibility. Let’s all do our bit.”

There have also been concerns that littering has increasing following the partial lift in lockdown restrictions.

Following the change in restrictions litter bins across the nation were pictured overflowing with plastic bottles, paper cups and bags.

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