
Police catch Scunthorpe man picking up sex worker

Police catch Scunthorpe man picking up sex worker

Police catch Scunthorpe man picking up sex worker

A garage worker has been caught by police as he used a customer’s car to pick up a sex worker in Scunthorpe.

Humberside Police officers spotted the vehicle while on patrol on West Street around the Frodingham Road area of Scunthorpe

After the vehicle was stopped, officers discovered that the driver did not have a licence or insurance.

He was also using a customer’s car which had been taken from a garage he was working at.

On their Facebook page, Humberside Police wrote:

“Officers have been out and about again on Frodingham Road, they saw a vehicle pick up a sex worker on West Street.

“Vehicle stopped, lady hiding on the backseat, she was removed and referred to the outreach team

“Male very embarrassed, especially when PC Stef Parker and PC Meg Garrod established that the driver had no driving licence, no insurance and he had used a customers car from a garage he was working from.

“Great work officers and a great spot.

“We’ll be speaking to the garage owner on Monday.”

The female sex worker, who was found hiding on the back seat of the car, was referred to an outreach service.

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